Timetable for the weekend

Officals Required off Clubs - Please send Officals to Laura on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Entries for the weekend


Please be aware that Athletics Leinster is going cashless at all our events, currently prices for prepaid & on the day tickets are the same.

This will change in the future however.

Prepaid Gate Tickets


Live Results Link

Indoor Booklet - V1

Queries please direct to Laura on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Athletics Wicklow will host the Athletics Leinster Intermediate & Masters Cross Country Championships and Juvenile Cross Country Relays in Avondale Forest Park, Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow on Sunday 15th January 2023. We are delighted that Athletics Wicklow has agreed to host the Championships and look forward to an excellent day of cross country competition in the Garden County.
NOTE: We've added a new competition - a COUNTY team for master men over 65, with 3 to score. They must compete over 4,000m.
Attached is the Booklet and the Timetable. Maps and other details will be published nearer the event in January.
Update 13th January 2023

Gate Tickets for this weekends Chamlpionships Available here:


Athletics Leinster is Introducting a B XC Championship for 2022/23 XC Season. The Age Groups will be based on the 2022 age grouping.

The B Champs is for Athletes who didn't Medal at Leisnter Indvidual, Club or County XC Even or Uneven Champs eariler in the Season.

All Indivduals will be entered as indivduals, entries will open soon, they will be 5€ per entry.

From these entries Club & County Teams will be made once they're enough runners to form a team.

Also there will be a Mix Relay for U11, U13, U15 & U17s based on 2022 Ages.

The B Champs & Mix Relays will be taking place in Stradbally Hall, Laois on the 25th Feburary 2023.


XC Booklet B Champs - V3 9th Feb


UPDATE 23rd Feb

Timetable and maps for the Juvenile B Cross Country Championships.
The B Championships & Mixed Relays will take place in Stradbally Hall, Laois (Eircode R32 PK2R)on Saturday next, 25th February.
Entry fee 5 euro. Card payment will be taken.
*Please note - there are sheep in the neighbouring field so no dogs allowed**.
Best of luck to all.


Parking Map

Course Map



Gate Tickets now on Sale here: https://eventlist.store/athleticsleinster/tickets

National Entries for the National Even Age Championships have to be in by this Wednesday the 9th for the Championship coming up in Rosspena, Donegal.

The First 12 in each age group have already been entered to National who are on the Regional Team, first 4 clubs & counties need to be entered by relevant secretaries.

Link: https://entry.athleticsireland.ie/#/entry?comporgid=38&compid=661

U18 Athletes who were regristered but didn't complete and want to go forward must get in contact with Greg on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Any Queries please get in touch