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Photos from the 2017 Star Awards, 6th January 2018, courtesy of PL Curran. Many thanks for his hard work on the evening!
A big thank you to the management and staff of the Bridge House Hotel in Tullamore.
In this first set, Athletes from Carlow, Dublin and Kildare received their awards.
Just click on a thumbnail image to open the gallery of photos. Click on the right-hand side or left-hand side of the photo to move forwards or backwards. The images are big enough for use on Facebook or on your PC. You may need to scroll to see the bottom of the image. Type "X" or click on the bottom to exit the current gallery of images.
Carlow Carlow
Carlow Carlow
Carlow Carlow
Carlow Carlow
Carlow Carlow
Kildare Kildare
Kildare Kildare
Dublin Dublin
Dublin Dublin
Dublin Dublin
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